Partner network

Strong Partners - Ensuring that Your Event is Impeccable in Every Aspect

We have strong partners who specialize in event technology, catering, and design at each of our locations. We're happy to coordinate with them to ensure that every aspect of your event meets your expectations.

Our Trusted Partners for Your Event Success

Lufthansa Aviation Training

Lufthansa Aviation Training is a world-renowned provider of comprehensive training for airline crews in Europe, setting the standard for excellence in the industry. With unparalleled expertise in cockpit and cabin crew training and cutting-edge, state-of-the-art training solutions, Lufthansa Aviation Training stands as one of the most reputable and esteemed companies in the field of flight training worldwide.


For more than 20 years, ProFlight has enabled private individuals to take simulator flights on real, professional aviation training devices - an unforgettable experience and authentic insight into the world of aviation.

A2B ®

A2B®, which is a Lufthansa Aviation Training brand in partnership with ProToura, specializes in arranging and conducting business seminars focused on imparting aviation expertise and experience. Our seminars are designed to effectively prepare current and prospective managers in your organization for their forthcoming tasks and challenges. Our highly proficient social scientists from Lufthansa Aviation Training, along with experienced Lufthansa pilots, impart theoretical content. Furthermore, practical exercises conducted on cockpit or cabin simulators help to identify critical aspects of previous action patterns and instill new competencies and behavioral strategies.

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