Experience Safe Flying

A different kind of staying on board

With our "Experience Safe Flying" event modules, your guests will embark on an unforgettable journey. They will start their special flight experience in the cabin simulators, which are typically used for safety training and emergency drills by airline crews. These high-tech devices, weighing up to 70 tons, stand on hydraulic supports and can simulate turbulence extremely realistically, providing a truly immersive experience.

One of the highlights on your flight is - depending on the chosen module - the evacuation via the aircraft's emergency slide. We offer three modules that vary in duration and intensity:

Experience Safe Flying - Basic

  • Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
  • Content: Preparation for emergencies, including sudden loss of pressure and emergency ditching.

Experience Safe Flying - with evacuation

  • Duration: Approximately 45 minutes.
  • Contents: This program includes the basic program (see Basic) and an additional highlight: evacuation via the emergency slide under the guidance of an experienced trainer and under realistic conditions.

Experience Safe Flying - 90 seconds to go

  • Duration: approximately 90 minutes
  • Contents: Under the guidance of an experienced trainer and under realistic conditions, you will learn how to evacuate the aircraft within 90 seconds, including using the emergency slide. Additionally, you can choose two out of three modules:
  • Real-Fire-Training: Learn fire fighting techniques and different extinguishing methods.
  • Hands-on station: Test and try on emergency equipment on board an aircraft, such as life jackets.
  • Practice on the dry or rescue boat (slide raft).
30-90 minutes
max. 20

Especially suitable for:

Team building
Product presentations
Company outings
Evening events
Leadership seminars

Combine the event "Experience Safe Flying" with one of our other offers

We offer the event "Experience Safe Flying" at the following locations
Frankfurt Munich Vienna

Are you interested in another event?

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