Pilot lecture

Learning from aviation - strategies
for safe decision making

ProToura offers you an exclusive opportunity to engage experienced pilots and aviation experts as speakers for your event. They can deliver seminars or participate as modules at one of our locations or at a venue of your choice.
Aviation provides numerous analogies to corporate reality in various industries, and its topics can be seamlessly integrated into any event's content. With the knowledge and expertise of our experienced pilots, we offer the opportunity to have them present during event breaks, hold background discussions or deliver comprehensive presentations on how aviation expertise can be applied to other industries.

Our conference and meeting rooms are equipped with the latest technology and are ideal for hosting seminars or lectures. However, speakers can also give short, impactful speeches in one of our cabin replicas, providing an authentic aviation-specific environment.

Following the presentations, highly engaging discussions often arise on topics such as safety and error culture, crew resource management, standard operating procedures, checklists, safe decision-making, and insider stories and anecdotes from aviation. Regardless of the direction of the conversation, you can be sure that it will be interesting and exciting.
minimum 30 minutes

Especially suitable for:

Team building

Combine the event "Pilot lecture" with one of our other offers

We offer the event "Pilot lecture" at the following locations
Berlin Bremen Essen Frankfurt Munich Vienna Cologne

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