Experience FRA live

The fascination of aviation up close

Experience the world of an airport beyond just departure or arrival points. Frankfurt Airport is a prime example of the precision and synchronization required to make an airport function seamlessly. Witness this intricate dance firsthand with your guests and get a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most popular destinations in Frankfurt.
The airport tour is not just limited to exploring the apron area, as you will be given exclusive access to some of the airport's special facilities, such as the fire department. As a special highlight, you can even embark on this unique tour during the night, where the taxiways are illuminated by thousands of lights. This event module is offered in partnership with Fraport AG's visitor service and can be combined with other ProToura event modules to enhance your experience.

Our airport tour is not just limited to Frankfurt but also extends to Bremen. This unforgettable experience is bound to leave a lasting impression on your guests.
45-120 minutes
max. 25

Especially suitable for:

Company outings

Combine the event "Experience Frankfurt Airport" with one of our other offers

We offer the event "Experience Frankfurt Airport" at the following locations
Frankfurt Bremen

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